Tips on How to Maintain A Healthy Lawn

Most residents take pride in an attractive lawn. You’re probably wondering how to maintain your property easily while reducing the need for pesticides.

In this part of the Colorado metropolitan heavy snow is ceasing, and the weather is heating up. Therefore, it’s time to think about warm climate lawn care tips. There are easy lawn care basics to maintain an organic, beautiful garden.

Healthy Low Maintenance Lawn Tips

Note that if you add clover to your lawn, you increase the chances of creating an evergreen, low-maintenance yard. In Denver, lawn grasses like Kentucky Bluegrass Fine-balanced Fescues and perennial ryegrass do great for your garden.

With that in mind, the following maintenance tips will help you maintain healthy turf and make a beautiful lawn, whether you have cool-climate grasses or cool-season grasses.

Keep the Lawnmower Blades Sharp

A dull blade may cause more damage than good, especially when mowing high grass. Sharp mower blades help prevent lawn diseases while maintaining excellent lawn health. When you use sharp edges, you guarantee great results from each mowing you do.

Why? Because a sharp grass blade cuts lawn grass well as opposed to a dull blade that tears through your grass, forming uneven lawn grass edges. Plus, sharp knives are faster hence saving you time.

Observe The 1/3 Rule

As you mow, ensure you don’t cut more than a third of your grass blade length. Cutting the lawn grass too close to the soil surface allows the sunlight to reach the weed seeds otherwise covered by healthy lawn grass. That quickly results in creating organic matter, which attracts pests, causing pest infestations to your lawn.

Hence, even though you have overgrown yard grass, mow only a third at a time, then allow it some recovery time. Afterward, you may cut another one-third until you reach your perfect lawn grass size.

Adjusting the Height of Your Mower

After planting your lawn grass in your garden, having chosen from various grass varieties, you must closely monitor the grass growth for you to have a desirable outcome. 

The perfect way to maintain lawn health throughout the growing season is to adjust your mower height each time you mow.

When you adjust your mower mow high, your lawn grass grows taller, which is good for the yard’s soil health. Tallgrass shades lawn soil preventing weeds and reduces evaporation which lowers the watering demands of your lawn. 

Also, tall lawn grasses promote grassroots growth which is the precise demand of Denver winters.

Trimming Lawn Grass When It’s Dry During Cool Hours

Crampy wet lawns take longer to cut than dry yard grasses. That’s why it’s advisable to mow your yard when it’s dry. Note, watery grass cramps up in the deck, slowing down your mower’s blades. 

That leads to ineffective mowing, which causes grass tearing rather than trimming.

In case you mow while the sun is shining, your garden’s grass loses nutrients and water. Hence, cut during morning hours.

Remove The Existing Weeds And Control Pre-Emergent Weeds

Fight lawn weeds even when freshly planted. Lawns usually inherit weeds and weed seeds which later compete with lawn grasses for nutrients, water, and light. If you have weeds in your yard, pull the weeds out by hand or using a hand-held weeder.

In case the weeds have grown out of control, use herbicides for weed control. We recommend using a weed-and-feed product strictly adhering to the manufacturer’s guidelines when controlling weeds using herbicides. 

Note, weed control herbicides get effective when you correctly identify the weeds and apply them at the appropriate time of year to obtain a weed-free lawn.

Dethatch and Aerate the Lawn

Accumulated grass clippings and dead matter cause loopholes for weed growth, although they nitrate your lawn after decomposition. This thatch requires proper removal using an adequate dethatching tool. 

After dethatching, your property becomes ugly over the following month but regains beauty afterward due to good aeration.

Frequently Watering Your Lawn

Shallow, frequent watering enhances external root growth susceptible to stresses like drought. If you water deeply, you’ll promote deep root growth.

With good watering practices and water-conserving grass varieties, on lawn soil that doesn’t drain quickly, you can reduce consumption, save on bills and grow healthier, more resilient lawn grass.

Maintain Healthy Soil Using Organic Fertilizers

To improve and sustain healthy soil, initiate regular top-dressing your lawn with good topsoil or compost, depending on your lawn’s grass type, to promote top growth.

With a healthy lawn, you can now switch to organic fertilizers. That’s because fertilizers affect the soil pH, and it’s essential to test your soil pH before planting your lawn grass.

Reseed Your Lawn

During early spring in Denver, when you have optimal conditions for grass growth, reseed your grass. Also, consider adding clover to your lawn because clover maintains your lawn green throughout.

Choose Ironwood Earthcare As Your Lawn Care Company

Since our inception eighteen years ago, we’ve served over 25,000 Denver residents, and all along, our customers haven’t complained. Ironwood Earthcare provides lawn health care plus trees and home plant care.

We assure you a dream-come-true family ground lush lawn. Our nitrogenous fertilizers maintain that lawn lush. For more info, contact us at 303-366-3020 or visit our website. We reside at 312 Norfolk St., Unit A Aurora CO8001. You can reach us daily from eight am to 4 pm except for Saturdays and Sundays.

Final Thoughts

Pre-Emergent Slow-release, granular fertilizers suit the Fall Colorado heavy clay soils, which may suffocate the grassroots. That is why at Ironwood Earthcare, we provide adequate care for your lawn, even for properties with sandy soils. 

All Denver residents can trust us for excellent pre-emergent and post-emergent, deep roots or shallow roots, lawn care services for many lawns or few ones.

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